Fall Season
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Boys Soccer
Estes Park Middle School Soccer is a member of the NPMLA.
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Season: Aug 7-Sept 27
Coaching Staff
Gregory Davis
Head Boys Soccer Coach
Cross Country
Estes Park Middle School Cross Country is a member of the NPMLA.
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Season: Aug 7-Sept 28
Coaching Staff
Mark Prichard
MS Cross Country and HS Assistant Wrestling Coach
Estes Park Middle School Football is not affiliated with a conference.
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Season: Aug 7-Oct 6
Coaching Staff
Swim & Dive
Estes Park Middle School Swim & Dive is a member of the NCAC.
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Season: Aug 7-Sept 27
Coaching Staff
Jennifer Maley
Dive Coach
Estes Park Middle School Volleyball is a member of the NPMLA.
Grades: 7, 8
Season: Aug 7-Oct 7
Coaching Staff
Amy McComb
MS Asst Volleyball Coach