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Expectations for Athletes

Eligibility Requirements

In cooperation with CHSAA, Estes Park Middle School requires that students have no more than 1 F during the week of eligibility and must be passing 5 classes. In addition, students must attend 100% of the regular school day to practice, travel, or compete in any team-related activity. Issues that do arise can be excused and eligibility can be reinstated by the building principal or athletic director.

All student athletes must be registered in PowerSchool and have an up-to-date sports physical in order to participate. There will be a free sports physical clinic in August. Contact coaches directly for more information.

Attendance Requirements

In order to participate in athletics (practices or games) for the day, the student cannot have any unexcused absences from school.

What about attending practices?  And what about absence the day of an event?

In addition, each student must have had a minimum practice period of 3 days in their sport(s) (9 days for football) before representing their school in an interscholastic contest or scrimmage.

Athletics Handbook