Middle school is all about exploration!
In addition to core content, students are encouraged to try new courses in middle school in the elective areas. Students attend three electives a day and rotate through these semester-long electives: Art, PE, Robotics, Horticulture, Steam, Creative Writing, and Spanish (6th & 7th grade only). There are also three year-long elective choices for students: Band, Choir, Spanish (8th grade only). Students who enroll in Spanish as an 8th grader may be eligible to receive high school credit.
Electives Teachers
Middle School Electives Curriculum
- 6th - 8th Grade Art
- 6th Grade Band
- 7th Grade Band
- 8th Grade Band
- Choir
- Creative Writing
- 6th-8th Grade Physical Education
- Spanish
- 6th Grade STEAM
- 7th Grade STEAM
- 8th Grade STEAM
6th - 8th Grade Art
Semester 1
Semester 1
Learning Targets
- Students will organize and develop ideas and will work to determine what is effective from trial and error
- Students will use openness, persistence and willingness to experiment, innovate and take risks to pursue ideas, forms and meanings that emerge in the process of making art
- Students will collaborate to reinforce positive aspects of group and individual identity
- Students will select and organize their designs, images and words to make a compelling presentation to communicate an idea
Semester 2
Semester 2
Learning Targets
- Students will refine and complete art and will develop excellence through practice of constructive critiques, revising and refining over time
- Students will generate a collection of ideas relating to current interests and concerns. They will apply methods to overcome creative blocks
- Students will understand how people are influenced by culture and environment
- Students will understand the purpose of displaying art in various ways
6th Grade Band
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Introduction to Band
Learning Targets
- Students provide proper maintenance and care for their band instrument
Students describe the fundamentals of music notation
Students play rhythm patterns containing whole, half, quarter and 8th note values and rests
Students play their instrument using basic embouchure and playing techniques
Students play the first 6 notes on their instrument
Students listen for other instruments in the ensemble while they are playing
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Building Foundation
Learning Targets
- Students play the first 8 notes on their instrument
Students play basic scale exercises and patterns
Students describe and play different dynamics
Students describe and play different articulations
Students count and play dotted half and quarter note rhythm exercises
Students describe what key signature and time signatures are
Students prepare and rehearse an ensemble piece for a performance
Students prepare and perform a grade level .5 piece
Quarter 3
Unit 3: Expanding Skills
Learning Targets
- Students play more chromatic notes on their instrument
Students play more advanced scales and scale exercises
Students play basic sight reading exercises
Students pay different musical styles (classical, jazz, etc.)
Students count and play syncopated 8th note rhythm exercises
Students play in 3 different key signatures (Bb, Eb, F)
Students play in 3 different time signatures (4/4, 3/4, 2/4)
Students play different articulations with a higher level of clarity and control
Students prepare and perform a grade level 1 piece
Quarter 4
Unit 4: Performance & Reflection
Learning Targets
- Students play 3 major scales (Bb, Eb, F)
Students count and play 16th note rhythms
Students play instrument specific technique exercises
Students listen to and analyze famous band pieces
Students create simple improvisational patterns on their instrument
Students reflect on the years’ progress and set individual goals
Students prepare and perform a grade level 1.5 piece
7th Grade Band
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Intermediate Instrument Proficiency
Learning Targets
- Students provide proper maintenance and care for their band instrument
Students play advanced scales and scale exercises (Bb, Eb, F)
Students expand their note knowledge and fingerings for their instrument
Students play articulations and dynamics with control and precision
Students play basic sight reading exercises
Students count and play 16th note rhythmic patterns
Students play in 3 different time signatures (4/4, 3/4, 2/4)
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Expanding
Learning Targets
- Students play a 1 octave chromatic scale on their instrument
Students perform extended techniques on their instrument (flutter tonguing, trills, etc.)
Students count and play variations of 16th note rhythms
Students describe the differences in a compound time signature (6/8, 9/8, etc.)
Students prepare and rehearse an ensemble piece for a performance
Students perform a piece with basic phrasing
Students prepare and perform grade level 1.5 pieces
Quarter 3
Unit 3: Beginning Music Theory and Composition
Learning Targets
- Students play more advanced scales and scale exercises (Ab, C)
Students play intermediate level sight reading exercises
Students count and read rhythms in compound time signatures
Students describe musical intervals
Students describe basic musical forms and structures
Students create an 8 bar melody following an AB form
Students present and perform my own composition
Students prepare and perform grade level 2 pieces
Quarter 4
Unit 4: Intermediate Performance and Reflection
Learning Targets
- Students accurately play 5 scales (Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C) and a one octave chromatic scale
Students play instrument specific technique exercises and repertoire
Students describe the concept of ensemble balance
Students reflect on the years’ progress and set individual goals
Students prepare and perform a grade level 2.5 pieces
8th Grade Band
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Advanced Instrument Proficiency
Learning Targets
- Students provide proper maintenance and care for their band instrument
Students play 5 scales (Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C) and a 1 octave chromatic scale
Students play expressively with dynamics, articulations and phrasing
Students count and play various 16th note rhythmic patterns
Students play in simple and compound time signatures
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Expanding Techniques
Learning Targets
- Students play a 1 octave chromatic scale on their instrument
Students perform advanced techniques on their instrument (double tonguing, vibrato, etc.)
Students count and play dotted 16th note rhythmic patterns
Students play a piece with proper intonation and tone quality
Students correctly adjust their tuning from being sharp or flat to in tune
Students prepare and perform grade level 2 pieces
Quarter 3
Unit 3: Intermediate Music Theory and Composition
Learning Targets
- Students play more advanced scales and scale exercises (Gb, Db, G, D)
Students play advanced level sight reading exercises
Students play and count in advanced time signatures (5/4, 7/8, 3/2, etc.)
Students describe chord structures
Students create a 12 bar melody following an ABA’ form
Students present and perform my own composition
Students prepare and perform grade level 2.5 pieces
Quarter 4
Unit 4: Intermediate Performance and Reflection
Learning Targets
- Students accurately play 9 major scales and a one and a half octave chromatic scale
Students play instrument specific technique exercises and repertoire
Students describe the concept of the best band sound (notes, rhythms, articulations, musicality, balance/blend)
Students reflect on the years’ progress and set individual goals
Students prepare and perform a grade level 3 pieces
Creative Writing
6th-8th Grade Physical Education
Team Activities
Learning Target
- Students problem-solve with a small group of classmates during adventure activities, game play or team-building activities
Learning Target
- Students volley an object repeatedly with a partner
Students combine motor skills to play a lead-up or modified game
Students strike an object consistently, using the hand so that the object travels in the intended direction at the desired height
Students combine motor skills to play a lead-up or modified game
Students participate in activities that require problem-solving, cooperation, and team-building
Students evaluate individual responsibility in group efforts
Students accept differences among classmates in physical development, maturation and varying skill levels
Students participate in activities that address diversity with individuals of various skill levels
Students exhibit responsible social behavior by cooperating with classmates, demonstrating inclusive behaviors
Students acknowledge and accommodate individual differences in others' physical abilities in small-group activities
Students collaborate with others from a variety of cultural backgrounds in community sports leagues (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
Students acknowledge that others have different levels of skills and physical abilities (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)
Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings
Students help others with physical activity challenges
Learning Target
- Students volley an object repeatedly with a partner
Students combine motor skills to play a lead-up or modified game
Students strike an object consistently, using the hand so that the object travels in the intended direction at the desired height
Students combine motor skills to play a lead-up or modified game
Students participate in activities that require problem-solving, cooperation, and team-building
Students evaluate individual responsibility in group efforts
Students accept differences among classmates in physical development, maturation and varying skill levels
Students participate in activities that address diversity with individuals of various skill levels
Students exhibit responsible social behavior by cooperating with classmates, demonstrating inclusive behaviors
Students acknowledge and accommodate individual differences in others' physical abilities in small-group activities
Students collaborate with others from a variety of cultural backgrounds in community sports leagues (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
Students acknowledge that others have different levels of skills and physical abilities (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)
Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings
Students help others with physical activity challenges
Soccer/Kicking Games
Learning Target
- Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
Students use basic understanding of the knowledge of strategies in activity settings such as moving to open space to receive a pass or intercept an object
Students analyze and correct errors in movement patterns, and provide and use feedback from a peer or instruction technology
Students develop a cooperative movement game that uses locomotor skills, object manipulation, and an offensive strategy, and teach the game to another person
Students acknowledge that others have different levels of skills and physical abilities (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)
Students show different styles of “Kicking”, strategies for kick placement, and how to “Advance” teammates within a game involving “Kicking” strategies
Soccer/Kicking Games
Learning Target
- Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
Students use basic understanding of the knowledge of strategies in activity settings such as moving to open space to receive a pass or intercept an object
Students analyze and correct errors in movement patterns, and provide and use feedback from a peer or instruction technology
Students develop a cooperative movement game that uses locomotor skills, object manipulation, and an offensive strategy, and teach the game to another person
Students acknowledge that others have different levels of skills and physical abilities (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)
Students show different styles of “Kicking”, strategies for kick placement, and how to “Advance” teammates within a game involving “Kicking” strategies
Fitness, Wellness, Track & Coop Games
Learning Target
- Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
Students accurately identify activities that are aerobic and anaerobic
Students determine the intensity of personal physical activity using the concept of perceived exertion
Students correctly differentiate the body's response to physical activities of various exercise intensities
Students use “Fitnessgram” as a recording tool, work on Upper body strength, Lower body strength, Endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. The student will understand concepts of individual “Goal & Growth” within the “Fitness Tests” performed
Students analyze personal results, and look at progress not perfection
Students use pedometers, the student (s) will calculate, use and keep track of “Steps per day” taken. Goals will be set, targets reached and understanding of movement, and various activities promoting “Steps”
6th Grade STEAM
Module 1: Intro to Steam & The Design Process
Learning Targets
- Students learn the elements that make up STEAM
Students use the steps of the Design Process to design the Perfect Backpack
Students use the steps of the Design Process to develop the Million Dollar Idea
Module 2: The Design Process, Drones & CAD/3-D Printing
Learning Targets
- Students use the steps of the Design Process to design the Perfect Backpack
Students use the steps of the Design Process to develop the Million Dollar Idea
Students are introduced to the use of Tello Drones
Students use TinkerCad to design and create a name plate
Students use Thingiverse & Yeggi program resources
Module 3: CAD/3-D Printing, Art & Website Design
Learning Targets
Students use TinkerCad to design and create a name plate
Students use Thingiverse & Yeggi program resources
Students create Christmas cards which will be sold through the estesparksteam.com website
Students are introduced to website design using wix.com
Module 4: Web Design
Learning Targets
Students are introduced to website design using wix.com
Module 5: Engineering Contests
Learning Targets
Students are all given the same materials and building task to see who can utilize the materials the best (ie. Who can build a boat that floats the most amount of weight?; Bridge building using spaghetti or craft sticks)
7th Grade STEAM
Module 1: Intro to Steam & The Design Process
Learning Targets
- Students learn the elements that make up STEAM
Students use the steps of the Design Process to design the Perfect Backpack
Students use the steps of the Design Process to develop the Million Dollar Idea
Module 2: The Design Process, Drones & CAD/3-D Printing
Learning Targets
- Students use the steps of the Design Process to design the Perfect Backpack
Students use the steps of the Design Process to develop the Million Dollar Idea
Students are introduced to the use of Tello Drones
Students use TinkerCad to design and create a name plate
Students use Thingiverse & Yeggi program resources
Module 3: CAD/3-D Printing, Art & Website Design
Learning Targets
Students use TinkerCad to design and create a name plate
Students use Thingiverse & Yeggi program resources
Students create Christmas cards which will be sold through the estesparksteam.com website
Students are introduced to website design using wix.com
Module 4: Web Design
Learning Targets
Students are introduced to website design using wix.com
Module 5: Engineering Contests
Learning Targets
Students are all given the same materials and building task to see who can utilize the materials the best (ie. Who can build a boat that floats the most amount of weight?; Bridge building using spaghetti or craft sticks)
STEAMFest Demonstration
Learning Targets
Students will be leading STEAMFest, which will be a creation of educational-based demonstrations geared towards the elemententary school audience.
8th Grade STEAM
Starting a School Store
Learning Targets
- Students will develop a plan and implement starting a school store. "What do customers want in the store? How will it be implemented and managed?"
Learning Targets
- Students will create a demonstration-based extravaganza which will be presented to the elementary school
YouTube Channel
Learning Targets
Students will create content for the EstesParkSTEAM YouTube Channel which consists of science demonstrations and "brain teaser" content.
Independent/Passion Projects
Learning Targets
Students will select and design a passion project or complete projects brought forward by the school and/or community
Learning Targets
Students use Tello drones and code them to fly through an obstacle course